Hitch PinLeash
Never lose your hitch pin or clip again!
Questions and Answers
What is the Hitch PinLeash made of?
The strap is manufactured using the highest quality silicone. It is thick,
sturdy, robust and is specifically designed to maximize performance
in all temperatures.
How do I attach a Hitch PinLeash?
You can place the loop over the ball, or around the hitch shaft, most
common is to loop it on the chain connector. Pass the loop through the
chain hole then insert the wide head of the Hitch PinLeash through
the slit and pull it tight. Place your pin into the hole on the head of the
leash, then slide the pin into place on the vehicle, securing the other
end of the pin with the clip.
What color does the Hitch PinLeash come in?
The Hitch PinLeash is a bright red to provide a visual indication that
your hitch pin is safely in place, we only offer RED today, but will be
offering other colors in the future.
What are the magnets for?
The magnets have multiple uses, if you use the standard pin;
place the safety clip on the magnets while working on your
hitch. If you use a locking pin it will keep the locking head safely off the
ground, they foul with dirt easily. Also, you can use the magnets to
adhere the Hitch PinLeash to the bumper or body of the vehicle for
temporary safe storage of the pin.
Have a question about the the HitchPin Leash?
We are here to help! Please reach out to us via the online chat or by using our contact form. We will respond ASAP!